
Museon the Art Park

3–5 September 2014

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H2O Environmental Film Festival in Moscow is the place for screenings and discussions about the planet and the people. This year program presents fascinating documentaries and animation. The challenges narrated are global warming and its impact on the native people lifestyles, the damage that dams cause to rivers ecology and the dangers of genetically modified plants.

Visitors have the unique opportunity to take part in the discussions with the most qualified experts in the field and learn more about the urban ecological practices as well as climate challenges.



Moscow: Museon the Art Park

3 September, Wednesday

18:00 Ярмарка ЭкоИдей
21:30 Tante Hilda!

4 September, Thursday

20:30 Встреча с экспертом по проблемам изменения климата. Георгий Сафонов, директор Центра экономики окружающей среды и природных ресурсов Высшей школы экономики, Москва.
21:30 ThuleTuvalu

5 September, Friday

21:30 DamNation