The Everything Show

Year: 2019
Country: Russia
Director: Maxim Ishchenko
Genre: documentary
Runtime: 62 min.
Age: 18+
This documentary about Russian artist Ivan Gorshkov is an ironic and honest account of the polarities of contemporary art and the secrets of commercial success from a young representative of the “Voronezh wave.”

The EverythingShow offers insight into the wild, unpredictable, and contradictory world of Ivan Gorshkov. We see the artist in his garage work space mixing metal with spray foam, Chinese toys, and old hats; building delightfully strange sculptures in a small village outside Voronezh; installing his exhibition at Cosmoscow art fair in Moscow, and ruminating on commercial success and the art market. 

Self-deprecating, funny, sincere, pragmatic when he talks about money in art, and thankful to fate for bringing him together with likeminded people, Gorshkov explains his surefire method of installing exhibitions, shares his dream of making the best ever artwork, and confides to the viewer his wish to just go and drink some vodka. The most interesting questions discussed, however, concern why contemporary artists do what they do and what makes them persevere when they’ve really had enough.