Krajina ve stínu

Shadow Country

Year: 2020
Country: Czech Republic, Slovakia
Director: Bogdan Slama
Cast: Magdalena Borova, Chongor Kassai, Stanislav Mayer, Robert Miklus, Petra Shpalkova, Barbora Polyakova
Genre: drama, history, war
Runtime: 135 min.
Age: 18+
How to reconcile with killings committed by your own neighbours? How to face growing evil that nobody stands against? What can humans overcome and what is the value of humility and hope?

Awards & Festivals:

Czech Lion Award (2021) - Best Actress Winner, Best Film Nomination, Best Director Nomination, Best Actor Nomination, Best Supporting Actor Nomination
International Film Festival "Indomitable, continuous, cursed" - Nomination: The main prize of the International Competition of Feature Films 
Czech Society of Cinematographers (2020) - Winner: Best Feature Film