
Year: 2018
Country: USA, Israel
Director: Alison Cherniсk
Genre: documentary
Runtime: 82 min.
Age: 12+
The film is the documentary portrait of violinist and conductor Itzhak Perlman, who won sixteen Grammy awards for his performances of classical music. Despite the fact that Perlman had poliomyelitis as a child and is forced to play his violin sitting as a result, he is part of the so-called “Israeli mafia” of the best musicians in the world. The renowned violinist tells many stories about his childhood in Tel Aviv, jokes non-stop, keeps the Sabbath and performs Jewish folk music. Perlman is famous for his instrumental covers of Yiddish folk songs, accompanied by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. This film is filled to the brim with good music, Jewish history and Jewish humour!

Awards & Festivals:

Atlanta Jewish Film Festival – Jury prize
Miami Jewish Film
Festival – Jury prize
Grammy Awards nomination – Best Music Film