In her footsteps

Year: 2017
Country: Israel
Director: Rana Abu Fraiha
Genre: documentary
Runtime: 70 min.
Age: 12+
The film’s narrator is the director herself, and this is the real story of Rana Abu Fraiha’s family. Her mother Rudaina was born in the Triangle area and married a Bedouin Arab from the south against the will of her family. They had to leave her hometown, where she couldn’t even walk the streets on her own. The family and their children ended up in Omer, where Arab children go to Jewish schools. Abu Fraiha tells her mother’s story which turns out to be the story of the entire country in miniature. We learn that Rudaina has cancer and that she wishes to be buried in a place where she isn’t permitted to - a Jewish cemetery.

Awards & Festivals:

Jerusalem Film Festival – Van Leer Award (Best Director of a Documentary)