Big Ears Listen With Feet

Year: 2022
Country: France
Director: Ila Bêka, Louise Lemoine
Genre: documentary
Runtime: 93 min.
Age: 16+
Louise Lemoine and Ila Bêka, the acclaimed artist-filmmakers diligently documenting unique and inspirational creators in the field of architecture, present their newest subject: Boonserm Premthada, the Thai architect known as “the elephant whisperer.” Born almost completely deaf, Boonserm developed a unique sensitivity to vibrations in the ground and air, much like elephants, who, despite their large ears, perceive sound mostly through their feet. Boonserm takes the duo on a tour full of surprises, starting from his humble childhood home in a Bangkok slum, and then venturing to more remote areas to visit some of the structures he designed. Inspired by local landscapes and traditions, these spaces harmoniously accommodate the diverse local population: village women cooking in traditional pots, Buddhist monks, and even elephants and buffalo herds. The intense heat, humidity, sounds, and scents all resonate with the bold sensuality in Boonserm’s art.

Awards & Festivals:

CPH:DOX - participation
MDFF - participation
Milan - participation