Saremo giovani e bellissimi

Year: 2018
Country: Italy
Director: Letizia Lamartire
Cast: Barbora Bobulova, Alessandro Piavani, Massimiliano Gallo, Federica Sabatini, Elisabetta De Vito, Ciro Scalera, Paola Calliari
Genre: drama
Runtime: 92 min.
Age: 16+
In the 90s, Isabella was eighteen and a star. 20 years later, she is still singing those same songs in small town bars with her son Bruno, playing guitar. It's because of him that her career stopped. At least it's what she tells herself.

Awards & Festivals:

Venice Film Festival – participation (Critics' Week)
Busan International Film Festival – participation
Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists Award "Silver Ribbon"– Best Song