City of Joel

Year: 2018
Country: USA
Genre: documentary
Runtime: 83 min.
Age: 12+
The city after which the film is named is, in fact, a Hasidic village to the north of New York City, which became so successful in following the 613 rules of the Talmud that its population grew too large for its territory.  The ‘city’ is named after Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum, the religious leader whose ideas inspired the ultra-orthodox Hasidic community in the United States. Jesse Sweet, the experienced documentary filmmaker and film producer, raised money for his film through crowdfunding. He shows behind the scenes conflicts for the land between Hasidic Jews and local activists - the latter think that further development can harm the environment, while the former believe their opponents are simply anti-Semitic - and New York region is presented as the New Babylon where a hundred flowers bloom.

Awards & Festivals:

Palm Springs International Film Festival – Official Selection
Hamptons International Film Festival – Official Selection