After Auschwitz

Year: 2017
Country: USA
Director: Jon Kean
Genre: documentary
Runtime: 82 min.
Age: 12+
There are many films that tell stories about happy life "before" and tragedies "during" the Holocaust. The creators of this film invite their audiences to experience what happened "after". For those who survived, the liberation from concentration camps marked the beginning of a lifelong battle. The wanted to go home, but there was no home left for them in Europe. They came to the United States and wanted to tell people about their past, but stayed silent for more than three decades. The heroines of the film, six extraordinary women, moved to Los Angeles, got married, brought up their children and became "Americans", but never found a place they could call home.

Awards & Festivals:

Long Beach International Film Festival – Audience Award
Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival – Audience Award
Los Angeles Women's International Festival – Best Documentary Feature