
Formula Kino Horizont

12–16 November 2014

Embassy of the United States of America

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Райан МакГарри
/ Ryan McGarry

Doctor, director

Ryan McGarry is an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and a physician at The Weill Medical College of Cornell University/New York Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City and the director of the feature-length documentary CODE BLACK. The film is a first-person reflection of McGarry’s own training at the Los Angeles County General Hospital, the birthplace of emergency medicine. McGarry spent five years in production on CODE BLACK while simultaneously working the 24/7 schedule of a young doctor in training—an especially sleepless approach to first-time filmmaking. He studied English at The Pennsylvania State University and received his medical degree at The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, a decision inspired in part by his experience as a stage IV cancer patient while in college. He is currently developing fiction, scripted projects for both film and television.


Moscow: Formula Kino Horizont

16 November, Sunday

17:00 Code Black // Q&A: Ryan McGarry