Saint Petersburg

9th New Austrian Cinema Festival

Within Russian-Austrian collaboration, in association with the Embassy of Austria in Moscow and with Raiffeisenbank.

The 9th Festival of New Austrian Cinema is a top 5 of the most magnificent national premieres: a desperate melodrama Oskar & Lilli, which moves yot to tears; a black comedy, close to the erotic thriller Glück Gehabt; a funny drama about the leftish bourgeoisie Waren einmal Revoluzzer; a large-scale and expensive film adaptation of the novel by Hermann Hesse Narziss und Goldmund; an action-packed documentary about dog's life, Space dogs.

There are no similar films in the panorama of the newest Austrian cinema achievements. Diversity of the films is the main condition of the festival, but three of them are directly related to Russia. Oscar and Lilli are children of refugees from Chechnya, The revolutionaries are trying to help the family of their Russian friend who illegally left his homeland, and the space dogs are Belka, Strelka and their current-day descendants (the experimental film was entirely shot in Moscow in Russian, and the voiceover is completed by our outstanding compatriot Alexei Serebryakov). A distinct Russian trace makes the 9th edition of New Austrian Cinema unique.

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All films are shown in the original language with Russian subtitles.